Wednesday, June 18, 2014




  1. The MC of Society shall prepair & maintain all the records, book and files as mension in the Rule No. 65 in MCS,Rule1961 and as per Bye-Laws No. 142,143.
  2. It is duty & responsibility of  Secretary  to keep up to date all records,book and files of Society as per Bye-Laws No. 144.
  3. The Society  has to keep the following Register, records, book and file Permently and keep update.
    1. “I” Register
    2. “J” Register
    3. Cash Book
    4. General Ledger
    5. Personal Ledger
    6. Property Register
    7. Share Register
    8. Sinking Fund Register
    9. Investment Register
    10. Nomination Register
    11. Mortgage Register
    12. Minutes Book of Meeting of MC
    13. Minutes Book of Meeting of AGM/SGM
    14. Audit Report File
    15. “O” Form File
    16. Structural Audit Report File
    17. Application for Membership / Associate Membership / Nominal Membership file[each separat files]
    18. Approved Plans of Construction and correspondance thereon
    19. All permision like CC, OC, Society Registration Certificate, NA Order Copy. etc
    20. Property Tax , NA Tax, Water Charges, Electric Charges  Bill and Payment Receipt [each separat files]
    21. All Agreement of Flats from 1st Owner [who purchase flat from Builder] to Current/ Last Owner for each Flats in Society.
    22. All Land relateded Document Like 7/12, C.T.S. Extract, Development Agreement, POA of Land etc
    23. Bank PassBook, Cheque Book ,Fix Deposite etc
    24. All Contract Deeds with papers connected thereto
    25. Conveyance Deed and correspondence about Conveyance of the Property.

  1. It is responsibility of Secretary of Outgoing Committee to Hand Over the Office of Society and all the records, book and files by making List to New Committee along with Chairman and other Member of MC and take sign of New Committee on List
  2. If Outgoing Committee not Hand Over the  Office of Society and all the records, book and files to New Committee then Registrar of Society take action against the committee U/S 146 & 147 MCS ACT 1960. Registrar give order against Outgoing Committee for Disqualified for re-election of Society.
  3. All  the records, book and files shall keep in the Office of Society. If Office of Society is not available the MC has to pass resolution where to keep this all the records, book and files
  4. If Member of Society has to examin the any the records, book and files OR want copies of the same U/S 32 of MCS ACT 1960 and as per Bye-Laws No. 172 shall pay coping fees at the rates mentioned against them.

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