Feel free to contribute on burning issues concerning the members/Owners and Tenants of AWHO Society. Contributions would be acknowledged - Use the 'Comments' tab or email hufaksingh[at]gmail.com. No operational/business/commercial matters to be discussed please. Information on this blog is opinion based and is neither official nor in the form of an advice. This is a pro bono online journal in public service related to issues, policies and benefits, and the idea behind it is to educate and not to create controversy or to incite. Be soft in your language, respect Copyrights.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Rights of member in a CHS

The rights of member in a CHS is as follow

1. A member is entitled to occupy the flat allotted to him

2. Member can appoint Associate member / Nominal member

3. A member is entitled to receive a copy of registered Bye-Laws of the  society on payment of price.

4. A member is entitled to inspect, free of cost, the following documents
   i.   A copy of Maharashtra Co-op. Societies Act
   ii.  A copy of Maharashtra Co-op. Societies Rules
   iii. Register Bye-Laws of the Society
   iv. Last Audited Report along with Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss a/c
   v.  List of member of the committee
   vi  List of member of the society
   vii Minutes of the general body / special general body meetings
   viii Minutes of the committee meetings
   ix   Those portions of the books and records in which the member's transaction with the society are recorded. The member can inspect the documents in the  society's office during office hours or at the time fixed by the society for the purpose
x  A member is entitled to receive copies of  any documents referred to above, if the member make a request in writing and pays the prescribed fees. If the member makes such an application, the society has to furnish the copies to the member within 1 month from the date of receipt of the prescribed fees

5.  A member is entitled to attend the general body

6.   A member contest election for committee and hold office subject to the he/she is not defaulter of society   and other conditions stipulated in the Bye-Laws of the society

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